Author: KORDON
KORDON is operated by non-profit artist-run organization KORDONair MTÜ, founded by the team of Vaikla Studio. The studio creates and reflects on SPACE in different areas (Architecture & Arts, Interior, Film, Scenography), working on site-specific projects in practice and on research level. Their works have been exhibited internationally: Venice Architecture Biennale, Architecture Film Festival Vienna, Rotterdam, Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Tretyakov Gallery, the Venue of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of EU in Tallinn and Brussels, etc.
The curatorial team:
Urmo Vaikla, interior architect / Ann Mirjam Vaikla, scenographer & curator /
Ingel Vaikla, filmmaker / Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla PhD, spatial researcher & interior architect / Rasmus Stenager Jensen (KORDON LAB on Food and Energy), performing artist.